We have reached our first goal. Thanks to the many donations received, Tempo Zero has raised the first 50,000 euros, which will allow us to launch a specific research grant for Lafora disease in the spring. For the organization of this grant and for the project monitoring, we have asked for the support of the Telethon Foundation, which, given their vast experience, can help us optimize our efforts and resources.

Many more goals will follow, but reaching this first milestone gives us the strength to continue on this path that challenges us daily.

We have made significant progress since Tempo Zero was founded, hoping to slow down the passage of time and outrun Lafora disease.

We have met many people who believed in us and shared some of our daily struggles.

The road ahead is still long, and it is with strength and hope that we must look straight at the next goal. We need to raise 40,000 euros to finance a new project involving three centers in Italy and a specialized research team.

Let’s continue to help Martina, the other young people affected by Lafora, and the families who fight this battle against time every day alongside them.

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